The Sometimes Perplexing Scant 1/4″ & What’s Thread Got to Do with it?

"Use a scant 1/4." I've read this in multiple patterns and though it's not necessarily a difficult concept to get my arms around, knowing why - or more importantly when - to use it has always escaped me for some reason, until yesterday. First, let me show you the current view from my desk at … Continue reading The Sometimes Perplexing Scant 1/4″ & What’s Thread Got to Do with it?

A BOM Update & Why You Need a Sewing Corner

First - a BOM update in the form of the above photo.  Yes indeed, kits are being assembled and gorgeousness is about to happen, friends!  We've still got a little over a month before the July 22nd first ever Serendipity Woods Block of the Month project kickoff and I'm pleased to announce that already - … Continue reading A BOM Update & Why You Need a Sewing Corner