Pennies, Memory-Sparked Singing and a Brave Girl Project

What do you think of when you hear the word 'Tuppence?' While I'm not entirely sure if it's a word that's still used in present day England, tuppence is an old word that means two pence or, in American terms, two pennies. That said, Tuppence, for me, has a magical meaning too. Pennies aside, one of … Continue reading Pennies, Memory-Sparked Singing and a Brave Girl Project

The Sometimes Perplexing Scant 1/4″ & What’s Thread Got to Do with it?

"Use a scant 1/4." I've read this in multiple patterns and though it's not necessarily a difficult concept to get my arms around, knowing why - or more importantly when - to use it has always escaped me for some reason, until yesterday. First, let me show you the current view from my desk at … Continue reading The Sometimes Perplexing Scant 1/4″ & What’s Thread Got to Do with it?

Ciao Bella!

Lest I drift dreamily into the 80s movie, Breaking Away, about 4 young men (including a very, very young Dennis Quaid with very, very washboard-like abs; go ahead and watch the movie trailer that I linked above just for fun - you'll see them!) who spend their days mostly trying to avoid going to college. … Continue reading Ciao Bella!