Bad Hair Days, Empty Nesting and New Fulfilling Endeavors

Back in what sometimes feels like the olden days, when my family was young and growing, I remember feeling like there was always tons of planning and organizing going on. In those days, we went the grocery store once a week with a detailed list. We organized that list by section from back of the store to the front, because that’s the order in which my ducklings and I proceeded throughout the store.

Momma and ducklings
It’s true. They were perfectly perfect, JUST like this, walking in a straight line behind me. Honest! (memories have a magical way of smoothing themselves into hindsight perfection, don’t they?)

Those ducklings…they were being planned for too, whether being born…

Family Pictrue
Bad hair days don’t count when you’re one day postpartum and too busy keeping your angelic #5 from poking your #6’s eye out before she’s more than one day old herself.

or going off to school…

Walking Pencils

…or graduating high school and college (after what feels like) fifteen minutes later.


Now, I hardly ever go to the grocery store. My hub goes (usually without a list and completely on the fly) because he cooks better than I do anyway, and the occasional eye-poking aside (when #4 is home from college for the summer and gets annoyed with #6), most of our ducklings are off swimming in their own in adjacent ponds.

So the planning and organizing that used to fall into the category of momma duties has gotten a little minimal around here.

straight face michael
This doesn’t make me happy, folks, I’m not gonna lie. I miss my children small every. single. day.

BUT. “Sob not over spilt milk!” I say to the eternal momma duck who still has more bad hair days than good. “The growing is as it should be, and (lucky you) you’re now the keeper of fabrics and quilts and patterns and projects!” And bunnies who beg you to create bundles, like this one:

Our New-in-Serendipity-Woods-Shop Summer Sundress bundle!

In all sorts of sizes, like this (and bigger too):

Yep – available in Sweet Sixteenth™ size too.

and of course when there’s a bunny this cute (with her pleasant little bird friend by her side)…

Sophie and Rita hanging out with the Sundress Bundles.

…to suggest the perfect pattern,

Cross the Scraps pattern by Lee Chappell Monroe of May Chappell Designs – one of many new patterns arriving in the Woods all this week!

…for making a quilt that makes your heart sing (so much that you almost can’t hear the voice of your 10th grade English teacher snarking in the back of your head for repeatedly utilizing the infamous and grammatically TOXIC indefinite you – ad nauseam)…

Sundress Cross the Scraps Quilt 2
Our Summer Sundress Cross the Scraps Quilt Kit!

…you can’t help but start organizing and planning, and pretty soon you realize that instead of lamenting amidst your bad hair and almost-empty nest…

Jess crying
(but bangs might be good…who’s up for bangs?)

There are new things in the world you can be good at organizing and planning. Did I mention Sophie has recently found a new perch upon which to pose?

Sophie and the Gammill

…but more about that next time 🙂

Whether you’re having a good hair day or bad, full-nest-quilting or empty-nest quilting, or happily celebrating non of the above, I wish you a happy-in-your-soul day, friends!




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